Things I read in April.
Reviews of Kazuo Ishiguro’s Klara and the Sun
Oh you darling robot! by Thomas Jones in the LRB
Kazuo Ishiguro Sees What the Future Is Doing to Us by Giles Harvey in the NY Times
Kazuo Ishiguro - Remembering and Forgetting profile of the author on the BBC’s imagine…
Academia is often a family business. That’s a barrier for increasing diversity
Anxiety Is in Your Body, Not Your Mind
Emma Pattee in Elemental writes about the limitations of talk therapy and suggests that we start from the body through mindfulness as the first response to anxiety.
part of the limitation of talk therapy is that anxiety is often related to a dysregulated response connected to an implicit memory, which then gets incorrectly pinned on a current experience or thought. “It doesn’t have anything to do with the current content,” says Ogden.